Tech Corner - 1. June 2020

May newsletter: React spotlight

How to turn your react app into PWA?

Have you ever wondered how to make your React app a PWA? Here is a nice tutorial by Felix Gerschau.

Typescript 3.9

Check out what’s new with Typescript 3.9. This time less new features and more improvements for tooling support.


Another state management for React? The Facebook company just open sourced this experimental state management library. They say Recoil works and thinks like React.

How could modern jQuery look?

Try Alpine.js. Simple templating and events binding in declarative way not only for websites.

Too much of React context?

Learn about the pitfalls of overusing React context and how to avoid it.

React virtual

Hooks for virtualizing scrollable elements in React. Built by Tanner Linsley.

What's new in Chrome dev tools?

Learn more about all the goodies Dev tools gain each month.